Demon hunter diablo 3 torment 4 requirements
Demon hunter diablo 3 torment 4 requirements

demon hunter diablo 3 torment 4 requirements

Soul Harvest consumes your damage over time effects on enemies, instantly dealing their remaining damage.Increases Mana Regeneration by 20.00 per Second (Witch Doctor Only).Wall of Zombies spews acid, dealing 300% weapon damage every second for its entire duration.Reduces cooldown of Wall of Zombies by 2 seconds.Whenever you teleport to an enemy, release Lightning at all nearby enemies for 100% weapon damage.Spending 75 Spirit causes a decoy to spawn that taunts nearby enemies and then explodes for 100% weapon damage as Holy.While a Combat Staff is equipped, all damage is increased by 20%.Gain the base effect of all four Mantras at all times.Reduces resource cost of Sweeping Wind by 70 Spirit (Monk Only).Increases Spirit Regeneration by 2.00 per Second (Monk Only).Gain 124 Life per Spirit Spent (Monk Only).Reduce all cooldowns by 1 second every time you kill a demon.This effect may occur once every 30 seconds. Automatically cast Smoke Screen when you fall below 25% Life.

demon hunter diablo 3 torment 4 requirements

The cooldown of Rain of Vengance is reduced by 1 second for every enemy you kill.+10 Maximum Discipline (Demon Hunter Only).Sentries cast your equipped Hatred spenders.Companion calls all companion types to your side.Reduce the cooldown of Akarats Champion by 50%.Reduce the cost of all abilities by 50% while Akarats Champion is active.Furious Charge gains the effect of every rune.Cause an Earthquake when you land after using Leap.Reduce the cooldown of Earthquake by 2 seconds every time it kills an enemy.

demon hunter diablo 3 torment 4 requirements

  • Call of the Ancients last until they die.
  • Increases Fury Generation by 2 (Barbarian Only).
  • Gain 289 Life per Fury Spent (Barbarian Only).

  • Demon hunter diablo 3 torment 4 requirements