Forum warning points world of warships
Forum warning points world of warships

forum warning points world of warships

Especially with Taiwan subject to the sovereignty of mainland China since 1949, with the administration of self-rule being given to it with the exception of the military, defense and political aspects, and Beijing views the Taiwanese island as a province belonging to it, while Taiwan asserts that it is a self-governing state, but it did not reach the point of declaring independence. Knowing that tensions have escalated in the recent period between China on the one hand and the United States of America and Taiwan on the other, against the background of official meetings between officials of the two countries, which angered Beijing, which warned that it would take firm and effective measures to protect national sovereignty and territorial integrity. China opposes any official contacts of foreign countries with the Taiwanese capital, Taipei, and considers that its sovereignty over the island is indisputable. Therefore, the Chinese Foreign Ministry commented on the step of strengthening the increasing military relations between the United States and Taiwan, that the region is turning into a “powder keg” due to the American intervention policy in Taiwanese affairs. Last May 2023, a delegation of twenty-five US arms suppliers attended the so-called “Defense Forum” in the Taiwanese capital, Taipei, with the aim of strengthening US military logistics and ammunition supplies to Taiwan. This provoked China’s anger at the United States of America because of that provocative step by Washington, in addition to the increase in US arms sales to Taiwan in recent years, with the increasing pace of intense military contact between them. Beijing’s anger at Taiwan came as a result of the US State Department’s announcement of its agreement to sell Taiwan arms for about one billion and 800 million dollars, according to assurances from the US Department of Defense “Pentagon”, and the US Congress was notified of the possible sale of weapons to Taiwan.

Forum warning points world of warships