Kindle for ubuntu
Kindle for ubuntu

ini reference? If you have and something didn't work please post your errors I will gladly help you figure out what went wrong. These instructions are valid and I have them mirrored on XDA where several people have confirmed this method to work (I do need to add the fastboot rule to this thread) did you actually try the above instructions or just decided they were wrong cause there was an. INI files are simple text files with a basic structure composed of "sections" and "properties".', it goes on to state that they are a deprecated standard in windows but again there's no restriction to windows. Kindle Ubuntu A Kindle is a small hand-held electronic device for reading books, which has been developed by online retailer Amazon. If it works on the Kindle 8.9, it should work equally as good, maybe even better on the HD 10. Samsung customizes (butchers) the framework in much of the same fashion as Amazon. ini files are simply text resource files, yes they are used in windows more than any other OS but there is nothing that actually says they can't be used in other OS' (first line of wikipedia says it best 'The INI file format is an informal standard for configuration files for some platforms or software. I believe this will be a success on these tablets because I've tested it on three vastly different Samsung devices, with success on all of them.

kindle for ubuntu kindle for ubuntu

android, as the OP states), being that adb is part of the sdk I would assume you do have the sdk installed (if for some reason the file is not there but the sdk is still installed, the echo command will create the file for you | obviously it would create the file even if the sdk were not installed but I don't think it works without the sdk, could be wrong there lol). If you have the android sdk installed there is an adb_usb.ini file (in your home folder found in the hidden android config folder.

Kindle for ubuntu