Message to web
Message to web

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His main job was listening to and editing nearly 650 recordings made over the decades Stott served as a preaching pastor at All Souls Church in London and traveled the world speaking.

message to web

Hunt was the main coordinator of a small team tasked with the yearslong project of organizing Stott’s sermons. And that when you preach, you need to have both,” Mark Hunt, an executor of Stott’s literary estate, told CT. “John was very involved with what he called double listening-listening to Scripture and listening to the world. The influential theologian in the modern evangelical movement adhered to the principle of what he called (23:53) the “double obligation” of Bible expositors: “to open up the text of Scripture with faithfulness to the ancient word and sensitivity to the modern world.” The public will soon have access to a digital collection of hundreds of John Stott’s recorded sermons and transcripts spanning five decades.

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